Follow Your Aftercare Advice

If you choose to fill your vial with blood, just like after a blood test or giving blood you need to take care of yourself and follow your vampires instructions as they may give you extra or different instructions based on your anatomy or existing health conditions.

No process is risk free like with a blood test you should wear loose fitting sleeves and avoid lifting heavy objects for at least 48hrs after your blood had been taken.

In very rare occurrences if aftercare instructions are not followed, a vein leak or rupture can occur which will look alarming like a large bruise, the photo below is an example of a vein leak after a routine blood test.

Some of us have more delicate veins than others and this is a minor risk in any blood drawing process. 

These are normally harmless but with anything like this, it should still be looked at and monitored by a medical professional follow your aftercare instructions and you will avoid this.